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Stag beetle four piece picture puzzle

On this page you have:
The puzzle picture on the top left, with an empty box below, where the puzzle should be made. Below this box are the shuffled pieces. If they are too small, then click here to reset them to their proper size.
To make the puzzle all you have to do is to take the pieces from the bottom and arrange them in the box. To move them just click and then drag them anywhere you like.
This way you should be able to arrange the pieces, in the box, to look like a much bigger picture of the male stag beetle on the top left.
Good luck!

Click here to reset.

Picture of male stag beetle by Maria Fremlin, 2003.
This picture puzzle was created by Peter Fremlin, 25 December 2003. Updated on 18 April 2005 with thanks to Walter Zorn for the javascript that makes it work. | Main | Picture puzzles |